Kapal Induk Inggris ini akan Dihancurkan dan Dijadikan Tumpukan Besi

Kapal induk Inggris HMS Ark Royal melakukan perjalanan terakhirnya Senin 20 Mei lalu. Kapal itu dibawa ke Turki untuk dibongkar menjadi onggokan besi.
HMS Ark Royal dipensiunkan Pemerintah Inggris tahun 2011 lalu. Pihak pemerintah mengaku tidak punya cukup dana untuk merawat kapal tersebut.
Banyak pihak yang ingin membeli HMS Ark Royal dari Pemerintah Inggris. Kapal itu sempat berencana dijadikan kasino terapung di Hong Kong atau ditenggelamkan untuk menjadi objek wisata menyelam.
Namun kapal itu akhirnya dijual ke perusahaan galangan kapal Turki, Leyal, untuk dibongkar. Leyal membeli HMS Ark Royal dengan harga USD4,4 juta atau setara dengan Rp43 miliar (Rp9.765 per USD).
Pihak Leyal menyatakan, membongkar kapal induk adalah kegiatan yang sulit. Para pekerja harus menghadapi suhu yang panas dan suara yang bising.
"Ketika sekelompok pekerja saling memukulkan palunya, suara di dalam dapat menjadi sangat bising," terang pegawai Leyal Robin Townsend, seperti dikutip BBC, Kamis (23/5/2013).
Ketika proses pembongkaran usai, kapal induk itu akan berubah menjadi onggokan besi seberat 20 ribu ton. Proses pembongkaran sendiri diperkirakan dapat berlangsung hingga dua tahun.
Final journey: HMS Ark Royal leaves Portsmouth for the last time yesterday bound for the Turkish scrapyard after plans to save the vessel failed

Empty: The warship, which was used in the 2003 invasion of Iraq, lies empty as it leaves Portsmouth Harbour yesterday and was waved off for the last time

Crowds: Hundreds gathered in Portsmouth yesterday to wave off the Ark Royal as she left Portsmouth Harbour for the last time

Departure: The deck empty, the HMS Ark Royal is towed to Turkey and to the scrapyard yesterday

Goodbye: A large crowd of people watch as the HMS Ark Royal is towed out of Portsmouth harbour yesterday for the last time bound for Turkey 

Goodbye: The Ark Royal was the fifth ship to be called the Ark Royal, a name that dates back to 1587 

Salute: A small crowd gathers on the beach as the ship is towed away for the last time ready to be scrapped

Send off: A man watches as the HMS Ark Royal is towed out of Portsmouth for Turkey on its final journey 

Warship: A Harrier jet hovers as it comes in to land on the flight deck of HMS Ark Royal in July 2010 during an exercise as it was announced the warship would be axed 

Return: The ship's personnel wave as the HMS Ark Royal approaches Portsmouth in May 2003 after the war in Iraq

Last tour: The HMS Ark Royal is greeted by a crowd of people as she sails into Portsmouth for the final time in December 2010 after it was announced the ship would be scrapped 

Invasion: The HMS Ark Royal in March 2003 as it prepared for the Iraq war which began just days later. The Ark Royal left Britain in January 2003 as part of a deployment to the region

Launch: The new HMS Ark Royal at the Swan Hunter shipyard in June 1981 after being launched by the Queen Mother 

Ark Royal

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